Sunday, March 15, 2009

Narcissus-X Reaffirms the Narcissus-X Address

Alas! Poor Prufrock: Narcissus-X knew him well. Witty, urbane, measuring out his life with credit cards. Why do women come and go, talking of Michelangelo?

Perhaps Narcissus-X should eschew the capital, or spell each word as if it were the the poet's own. ornotusecommasorperiods

It little matters that brittle patter of critics' rambling should fail the test. For none may comprehend the works of Narcissus-X but Narcissus-X. Nor could that be expected. Art for art's sake, art for expression's sake, art the work of Narcissus-X, and beyond the ken of critic and carper.

For Narcissus-X resolves that art of Narcuccus-X, by Narcussus-X, for Narcussus-X, shall not perish!

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