Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Begone, Philistine Pretenders! Art! Art! Art!

Narcissus-X grudgingly, and once again, recognizes the sidebar which follows Narcissus-X.

Whenever Narcissus-X creates a new post, taking from a past into a present for a future which is foreboding and unknown, the sidebar follows.

The sidebar: perpendicular accommodation of philistine paraphernalia purporting to present pertinence from beyond Narcissus-X.

Narcissus-X rejects such sullying distractions. Narcissus-X, the blog about Narcissus-X, rejects bourgeois shibboleths of prosaic profit. Though the author may bow to merely mundane monetary motives, Narcissus-X is true to Narcissus-X and the values of Narcissus-X.

Ars gratia artis!

Monday, July 30, 2007

The Anthracitic Dreams of Narcissus-X

Silence as companion, darkness as guide: through anthracitic labyrinths of introspection Narcissus-X seeks Insight.

Why is velvet soft?

Why is darkness deep?

Why does Narcissus-X wonder these wonders?

For Narcissus-X has Insight enough: Narcissus-X, the blog about the blog Narcissus-X holds the answers for Narcissus-X.

Narcissus-X swims, an armadillo of angst in sunless seas of silence.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Narcissus-X: a Haiku

Darkness, velvet void
of silent shrieking visions
Look! The silence screams

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Narcissus-X Discovers the Grotto of Velvet Coal

Narcissus-X has discovered,
far from the lights,

far from the pulsing noise that they call music,

far from the screeching laugh of those that mock ideas they cannot understand,

a place within the caverns of the mind of Narcissus-X, a grotto of velvet coal,

where Narcissus-X can contemplate the blog entries of Narcissus-X.

For it is in the blog entries of Narcissus-X that Narcissus-X will find the insights of Narcissus-X, the blog about Narcissus-X

Friday, July 27, 2007

Narcissus-X Regards the Coming Weekend

Ah, the aching, echoing, emptiness of a weekend. Narcissus-X, the blog about Narcissus-X, shall use this abyss of solitude for contemplation.

Perhaps Narcissus-X will discover new grottoes in the self-sufficient sanctum of Narcissus-X.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Narcissus-X Supercedes Narcissus-X

Narcissus-X continues to exceed Narcissus-X's previous accomplishments with each post. Each post, unarguably, adds to the quantity of posts on Narcissus-X, the blog about Narcissus-X.

Therefore, without fear of contradiction, and without doubt, Narcissus-X has added again to the number of blogs posted by Narcissus-X, and so has exceed the previous accomplishments of Narcissus-X in this regard.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Narcissus-X and The Eyes

Narcissus-X is not without flaws, although how Narcissus-X, the blog about the blog Narcissus-X, could be flawed is a philosophical conundrum, and Narcissus-X is not too proud to admit such imperfections.

Narcissus-X is aware of entities which purport to exist outside the limits of Narcissus-X. Narcissus-X is gracious enough to acknowledge the existence of such entities, providing they visit Narcissus-X, the blog about Narcissus-X.

At times, rare times, Narcissus-X plunges, willingly, without reservation, into the stygian depths of despair, knowing that, even as Narcissus-X chronicles the experience of Narcissus-X, intruding entities stab the existential gestalt of Narcissus-X with their blazing eyes, their eyes, THEIR EYES!!!!!!!

Narcissus-X has now regained composure, should such a loss even be thought possible.

Narcissus-X, the blog about Narcissus-X, will now contemplate the universe of Narcissus-X.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Narcissus-X Congratulates Visitors

Narcissus-X acknowledges the existence of those who visit Narcissus-X, the blog about Narcissus-X, the blog about itself.

It is with a full heart that Narcissus-X congratulates visitors to Narcissus-X with exhibiting exquisite good judgment and intelligence, by visiting Narcissus-X. The insight and wisdom shown by this act enables Narcissus-X to acknowledge your existence.

Congratulations on recognizing that which is paramount: Narcissus X, the blog about Narcissus-X.

The Sidebar of Narcissus-X: Purity Sullied

Narcissus-X, the blog about Narcissus-X, grudgingly acknowledges the ability of the author to sully this blog's purity with bourgeois elements. Narcissus-X refers, of course, to the blatantly commercial displays added to the sidebar of Narcissus-X.

It is small consolation to Narcissus-X that a reference to the Narcissus-X Blog Archive was also added, directing those who exist within Narcissus-X to this archive of Narcissus-X posts.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Narcissus-X is Born

Narcissus-X, the blog devoted entirely to itself, was created at about 7:00 pm, Sunday, July 22, 2007: a time which is significant, because that is when this blog was created.

Narcissus-X is interested only in itself. This blog is a self-contained oneness, existing for itself. It has no purpose except to discuss Narcissus-X: which is purpose enough.

Pay No Attention to the Man in the Sidebar

This blog is entirely devoted to Narcissus-X, the blog devoted to itself.

The guy with the eye over there is just the author. Pay no attention to the guy who authors Narcissus-X, the blog devoted to itself.

It's All About Narcissus-X

Narcissus-X is a blog devoted to the Narcissus-X blog.

This blog is called Narcissus-X because Narcissus had been taken as a blogger name.

So, Narcissus-X was chosen as the name of this blog, which is devoted to the Narcissus-X blog.

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