Penultimate precipice of palpable puffery!! Etopic enactments, eccentric eventualities of erroneous acumen! Narcissus-X recoils from such platitudinous, pedestrian pablum of presumed popular preferences!
- or -
Frustrations of the Artist
One point!
Two point!
Three point!
But wait!
Narcissus-X is Artist!
But why?
Not as panderer to popular presentation of platitude parades. Not as slavish lackey to mere approximations of representational realism.
Not to be immured in a morass of mercantile mediocrities.
But is Narcissus-X naught but "not?"
Art for Art! Narcissus-X is Artist! Narcissus-X is for Art!
But is Art for Art and end? And is the end of Art for Art an end - and only an end? For What is Art, what is Artist, what is Narcissus-X if none but Narcissus-X knows Art?
Does not Narcissus-X display Art? Did not the Squirrel-King anoint Twitchimius as Guardian of the Golden Grove? And for what? To be ignored? To be beheld by the opposite wall? To be or not to be: That is the question.
But even as Hamlet did in vain assail the slings and arrows of Castle Cawdor, so does Narcissus-X display for the sake of walls.
Or was that Othello? It matters not, for Narcissus-X is Artist! Narcissus-X will prevail.
Narcissus-X will ponder perspectives.