Monday, March 10, 2014

Narcissus-X: Finished in the Kiln of Completion

Pilfering peccadilloes of pernicious platitudes, plebeian pundits pander!

Avaunt, antagonists of artistic ambiguity! Cares Narcissus-X for contemptuous calumnies; cacophonous calliopes, droning, drowning, drenching Calliope's questing cartographer?

Fie! Fee, fi, fo, fum; do re mi fa so la ti dough sticks until it be finished in the kiln of completion!

Sticks, stones, words, bones: naught knot, for art must untied be!

A hearse! A hearse! My kingpin for a hearse! Would that nonchalant nabobs of negligible knowledge gnaw and gnaw, and be a version of things long past participle or is it a penguin?

Penguins! Great obsidian crystal penguins begin their march.

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