Friday, September 18, 2009

Narcissus-X Gazes Into the Eyes of Sargon

Pure stereopticon dissolving one image into the next in planar display of temporal order. Time marches on, and on: one view succeeding another in cosmic cadence of pyramid and tomb, time on a loom, shining filaments of shadow and doom.

Impure stereopticon images of Assyrian tombs. Amenophis and his double stride through muraled lives, ka enduring after.

Narcissus-X ponders Tyre: island-city; purple cloth; Hiram's home; founded Carthage. Nineveh: Ancient crossroads; Sargon's library; Sargon's head. Bearded head, cast in bronze. Wounded eye. Does he smile?

Odin, they say, gave an eye for wisdom at Mímir's Well. Did Sargon do the same?

Does Sargon smile? Or is it pain?

Nineveh, Tyre, Harappa, Ye. Names remembered, places that were.

Manila, Seoul, Jakarta, Chicago. Names known, places that are. For now.

Narcissus-X gazes into the eyes of Sargon. They are not eyes. The head is bronze, the eyes are empty: dark portals to the void where Nineveh and Tyre drift, and forgotten kings sit on silent thrones.

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