Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Narcissus-X in the Cubical Cubicle of the Commonplace

Narcissus-X embarks on a clerihew quest, rhyming and chiming: a commonplace jest.

Ipswich, Suffolk, suffering folk.
Folk music sways like a pig in a poke.
Shiny green ice cream, prunes in a jar.
Cantaloupe postcards from Vina Del Mar.

Cubical cubicle, dutiful particle,
Patternless carpeting deadening sound.
Taupe as an accent on putty-plane surfaces.
How can the workaday toiler endure?

Who would seek Vina Del Mar in Oxnard? Yet Oxnard's imposture, deceivingly laid in curvilinear streaks, assuages the eye with tile roofs.

Strawberry fields lie on Oxnard Plain, Narcissus-X prefers pistachio.

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